Saturday, March 31, 2012

Operation Insomnia

        Day 1 – So I was up at the crack of dawn this morning, literally 6:45am on a Saturday. I haven't been up this early in years. And I do mean years. The last time was in high school maybe, because university classes started at 9:30am at the earliest. So I was right getting up this morning was brutal. Seriously brutal. I was so tired last night about 15 minutes before I went to bed but I couldn't get to sleep when it was actually time to do so. 6 more days. 6 more 19 hour days. This is going to be the longest week of my life.
        I decided that operating dangerous machinery is not a great idea right now, thus sewing, as much as I wish to sew, is not a good idea in this slightly less than coherent state. But I cqn't just do nothing, I mean I will be up for almost 19 hours out of each day for the next week. I need something to fill my hours. So I started crocheting a scarf, a stocking stuffer for Keith and also on my list (Yes I am already preparing for Christmas. My favourite and most wonderful time of year.) That way if I screw it up royally it will not be so bad to undo (unravel), I mean sleep deprivation is a wicked thing.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Are you out of your God-damn mind?

        Hey guys, so I went to doctor today and he has decided to try this insane treatment to help me reset my sleep patterns and try to stop/lessen my insomnia. Basically sleep less. For the next week, I am suppose to only try to sleep for 5 hours a night. Meaning only going to bed 5 and a half hours before I need to get up. Thus going to sleep at 1:30am and getting up at 6:45am on a Saturday. Are you out of your God-damn mind? No sleeping in on Saturday? This is going to suck so hard. I have a large vocabulary but to be honest Sucks! is the only work that perfectly describes what the tone of the next week will be. So I guess I am trying to apologize in advance if my posts are less than stellar this week. But at least I have the week off, thank God! Oh and Keith, who also has a few days off, is the best husband in the world because he is going to get up with me until he has to go back to work. Just to support me. Isn't he awesome??? I think so. Here is a picture of sleeping Mr. Pibs. I am so jealous he sleeps so easily. Wouldn't it be awesome to be a kitten? Seriously?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Coming Up Roses!!!

        As the weather has improved, so has my mood. (Hooray I have found my voice again.) I am actually sleeping better, somewhat and life in general is starting to look a little less grim. That being said I want to spend more time outside. Not this week it is kind of cold, but in the upcoming weeks it promises to be gorgeous here in the nation's capital. So I am going to have to find projects I can do on the go. Knitting and crocheting come to mind as I am already half done another Owl mitten simply knitted on the bus. But what else? What else can I tote along with me on my adventures? I can't sew on the go. Lord knows the logistics of moving my sewing machines in my house are daunting, let alone trying to make them mobile. What about cross stitch? That could maybe work. I want to make a stocking. I would have to by the supplies but otherwise not a bad idea. hmmm.....That's all that comes to mind.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Make Up Your Mind Nature!

     Damn, can you believe that a week ago I was knitting in a warm, sunny park? The weather was so nice, I took as much advantage of it as I could. There is this park near my work and I spent several lunches there just knitting away. Seriously almost getting a sunburn. There is this lovely status that always has a shady side so it is pretty much perfect for a quiet lunch hour. Just so you know I am almost done the right owl mitten. I am really hoping the weather gets better for my week off. Cause freezing rain in March/April is bull shit. Just saying. I know we are in Canada but get it together Mother Nature it is spring God-Damn-it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


        I need to start taking my etsy shop more seriously. It is a part time job after all. If I was working for someone and acted the way I do now, slacking off, watching t.v, starting a task and never finishing it, I would have fired me by now. Seriously. I am a harsh boss. No hot chocolate Friday for you. (That's right. Like a boss!) So the only thing I can think of is to set more miniature goals for myself. I have had much success with the blog goal and that is encouraging. I an not quite sure how I am going to go about this, basically what is realistic right? But I will follow-up when I have figured it out. I want to actually put some time into my patchwork dress. It is looking really good but I keep putting it off. Mostly because I feel like I have devoted so much time to me and my creations recently and I think I am starting to feel guilty. Like I am neglecting other parts of my life, like the domestic part. Maybe I feel like I am not doing enough at home. When logically I know I am doing everything I need to be doing. I am trying to fight this. This is the old, giving to everyone else Jessica talking, not the new putting herself first Jessica. I guess this is part of my personal struggle. But as I previously mentioned I have a week off and I am going to try to keep it focused on me and everything I want to accomplish, project-wise anyways.

Monday, March 26, 2012

It finally happened!

Breaking News!

       I have nothing to say. I literally have run out of things to say. I got zip! Nada! Nothing! I have been working on my how tos, which I deemed September to be the month of how tos, but I only have a few done. I am out of pre-written blogs. So I guess I am saying tonight I have nothing to say. Sorry. People in my everyday won't believe it. Basically because I usually have verbal diarrhea. Seriously, I have it bad. And apparently there is no cure. I have tried, spent millions on research, not really but hey it sounded cool. My life has been so crazy lately. When it rains it pours right. Anyways have a great night. Hopefully I will have a better week.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

As Promised

        Pictures as promised. 

        Here are the much awaited patchwork dress pictures. Super busy day so I am going to let the pictures do the talking.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

63 hours of freedom

         I stayed up late watching the 1939 Laurence Olivier/Merle Oberon Wuthering Heights last night. Which ended at 1am, I slept in to 11:30am and woke up to french toast, yummmmm. I worked on the patchwork dress which was good but basically spent the whole day feeling like crap. So I drank a nice big mug of hot chocolate at around 5 and then ended up sacking out on the couch for a two hour nap. God I love the weekend. Being freed to just do whatever you want, able to sleep, eat, watch t.v. whatever. I love everything about the freedom of it all.

        I finished the waist band and front panels of the skirt. Yay. I am still super tired so I will post pictures tomorrow. I really love how it is turning out. It is a size medium. I told Keith I either would have to make a bigger one later or I would have to drop some weight to fit into it. :) I can't wait for it to be finished.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I am a Machine!!!!

        Okay, I'm not really a machine, I am more of a Mitten factory. I sold another pair, out of the blue. Another pair that I haven't actually knitted yet. As of right now I have no posted ads on etsy or anywhere else, thus far all my sales are word of mouth. I have sold 7 pairs in the last 4 months (I am currently working on the 5th pair) They take 6-8 hours to make and I have been wondering if a knitting machine would quicken the process and if so my birthday is coming up .... :P The 3 pairs I have left to knit have open ended due dates, before next winter, so pretty flexible.

        I have decided to continue working on the patchwork dress/coat this weekend. I want to have the majority of it done before the weekend is over. I will try to take some pictures of it as it progresses. I will post them when it is complete to show the progression. Hope you like the design.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calling All Futurama Fans

        So Alternate Universe Zoidberg has finally arrived. And this Zoidberg didn't run around my house naked!!! I still have to make him a little gold crown and a box to complete the look but otherwise he is good to go. Ready to go get into trouble with his little pink buddy. (Pink Zoidberg seems to be slightly bigger, but I think that only adds to little blue's appeal.)

        I checked him off my list and I am so happy to do so. Now I can move on to further projects.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Much Needed Break!

        Since I work in the government and our new fiscal year is starting , I get a new bank of vacation days. Thus I am taking a few days off before Easter. I am really looking forward to it. I will have several days with Keith and a couple off on my own. I really want to catch up on my projects and sleep in, every day, sleep in. What's that? Sleep in, heck yes! I am so excited. I will have as whole week at home and a few at the in-laws for Easter. I have nothing due right now so I really want to put a lot of work into several projects. The patchwork dress and some stitched hearts. But besides that I am just going to enjoy not having to do anything for a bit. No where to go, nothing I have to do. Everyone needs a bit of a break once and a while. Plus I will still have more vacation time to spend over Christmas which is the most important time of the year for me. I love Christmas!!!! But we will come back to that later.

        P.S. Things are looking good on the brother front, he has a another surgery to go but hopefully it will go well. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hey Guys!

        So you guys are going to get a little gyppted out of a post tonight. My older brother (one of many) was hospitalized last night and went into surgery today. I was at work all day and spent all afternoon and most of the evening in the waiting room. He is doing alright now but he isn't out of the woods yet but hopefully things will be okay. We will know more in a few days. I only got home a little while ago and just finished the Jamaica dressed as my BF is leaving tomorrow.

Here is a picture of Domo for your viewing enjoyment. 


Monday, March 19, 2012

Feeling like a Change

         I want a house. I really want a house. We rent and I think it is time to buy a house of our own. Only problem is we don't have enough saved for the down payment yet and it is killing me to wait. I guess it didn't seems so important to me a few years ago because it seemed so unattainable. Now it seems less daunting. I have been thinking about taking this step for a while and I have been putting it off somewhat so we could reduce our debt. You know, student loans and the like. Now we are about 6-12 months away from actually being able to do so and it seems like forever.

        But I am a determined women, I can wait, I can do things about this. This could be hastened if I get a second job. If I sell my scooter. If I earn extra money somehow. But in doing so this will have an effect on other parts of my life. I want to take time off my government job, which the government is so cool they will let you do that, to try and write my novel and start my internet business. (I was told just yesterday to try and sell my designs from a boutique. I guess someone really like me work.) That will be put off, not only because we will need the income and the stability of being at a job for at least 2 years to qualify for a mortgage. But I can accept this. I have found the house of my dreams with a attic/loft I can use as a studio. All these sacrifices will be worth it if I can get this house.

        I guess I am just using this post to think through and vent some of my frustrations. Also to get suggestions, if anyone is reading this besides the Silver Hook ( If I do pick up another job, minimum wage is not going to be worth the loss of time off and extra taxes paid. I will be looking for closer to 15/hr or side sewing/knitting etc jobs that pay fairly. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Night guys!

P.S. I hit 400 views today!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quality of Goods

        If have been reading my last few posts you will know that I have been commissioned to fix a dress for my best friend. The more I work on it, the more I realize that I worry too much. Basically I mean that I have always worried about the quality of my goods and honestly I probably shouldn't. Well not to say that I really shouldn't worry about it at all, all designers should . But more I should realize that my designs are just as well made as the stuff made and sold in stores.

         The Jamaica dress is a prime example. I worked on the sides today. I tore the skirt seam open and the seam wasn't even serged. Silk, unfinished, seriously? Because that is not going to fray and I mean really fray over time to the point where the dress will be unwearable and potentially have irreversible damage. I serge everything, every edge, If I can't I make damn sure I have a huge clearance, plus top stitching, a heap of top stitching. Hey but that's just me right? Anyways I guess my point is I feel I have been to hard on myself, because others don't seem to be as picky as me. But I guess being picky can be a good thing.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sewing update

        Okay so this is going to be an extremely short post. I have been working on this patch work dress/coat design all day and all I have completed thus far is the cutting of the piping and the back of the waist band. I really hate that things keep getting in the way, domestic stuff anyways. I worked on the Jamaica dress as well. I took the molded cups out of the bust and it has made a huge difference. But now I will have to take the sides in more. I still have to pare down the skirt, the silk anyways and we will see how that looks when I am done. I have to have it done by Tuesday night so she can pack it in her suitcase. It will be done. So I better go work on it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Joy of Writing

        Just a little post on somethings I have been pondering on. 
        I realized I never dread writing. I set this goal for myself to post nightly and I have been successful for the last two months. I like writing. I look forward to it, I never tire of it actually. Which is surprising, it seems to be the only thing that I do not tire of. I tire of knitting and crocheting, even sewing becomes somewhat of a chore after a while. But not writing, I sit at my laptop or phone now, and I try and think of something to write. Which is sometimes very difficult, but I never ever dread it. Not because it is easy. It is not usually easy. I worry, what will I write about? Am I being clear? Will it be entertaining? Interesting? Will anyone want to read it? This does nag at me every time I put pen to paper (figuratively, not not always. ) But somehow it does not lessen the pleasure of writing itself.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Operation Jamaica Dress

         So it looks like decided how to quench my sewing needs have been taken out of my hands. My best friend is a bridesmaid in a destination wedding in Jamaica. It is in about a week and a half. She got her dress today. It is a hot mess. It is bluish-green with a hazelnut reddy brown. It has made by a seamstress who obviously didn't understand the finer points of dress making for full figure women.

         First of all, there is this thick, stiff satin under dress, it is topped with two crepe layers, making the sides jut out horribly. There are molded cups under rouching that you can see and looks horrible. It is a halter and my God it covers nothing, so she has to hike it up making it look like she has small breasts and no waist, which is not the case. She is very chest and cinched in. It is too big in the back and droops. Obviously it needs a lot of work and I will likely be doing all the alterations before she leaves Wednesday. This is going to be fun!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Planning My Weekend

        The world seems full of possibilities again. Now that I am no longer bogged down with mittens (I have 2 more pairs to do but over more time) I am having a hard time figuring out what to do next. Definitely not a knitting project but at the same time I do have a lot of them left on my list. But I have plenty of time right?
        Luckily I have a three day weekend, thank-you sweet-ass compressed government job! Three days to sleep in, three days to create, three days to catch up on behind projects. I am so looking forward to it. Keith is away this weekend so I will have the bed all to myself and hopefully I will be able to sleep, really sleeeeeeeeppppp, so I can focus. I have about 5 projects to make up to be on schedule again so I better get cracking!
P.S. I got a huge compliment today. I was told I should write a book. I have been told this a few times I guess people think I am entertaining.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Updated project list 2!

        Now that mittens no longer dominate my life I thought it would be nice to give an update on how far along I am in my mission to complete 52 projects in 52 weeks. 

3 pairs black socks (1 of 6 finished)
1 pair red socks (I wanted a pair too!) (completed January 26th)
1 Wicket Ewok doll (my husband bought that pattern)(completed April 5th)
1 Grey Ewok doll(added April 6, 2012)(completed April 10th)
1 Gir doll, from Invader Zim (completed January 15th)
1 double-sided knitted star scarf in red and black
1 deer hat with antlers
1 pair penguin mittens
1 tote bag
1 sweater coat
2 crochet star pillows (completed January 15th)
1 scrap material star pillow
1 Jack Skellington jacket
1 basket weave crocheted scarf in black(completed April 1st)
1 penguin doll
1 cross stitch Christmas stocking
1 swoop shirt in blue knit
1 Edgar Allan Poe Raven corset
1 Edgar Allan Poe Raven handkerchief
1 wedding scrap book
1 penguin painting abstract
1 bake and decorate a bear cake with a piping bag ( maybe added January 14, 2012)
1 painting penguin nesting dolls, set of 5, larger set (added January 19, 2012)
1 crochet an Alternate Zoidberg (added January 21, 2012) (completed March 22nd)
1 luma (star) from Super Mario Galaxy (added January 24, 2012)
1 red skull henley (added January 25, 2012)
1 yellow long sleeve to go with poe shirt (added January 25, 2012)
1 vines henley (added January 25, 2012)
1 roller derby hoodie (added January 25, 2012)
1 Gir's companion pig Bacon in crochet (added January 30, 2012) 
1 pair Owl mittens knitted (added January 31, 2012) (completed March 11th )
1 pair Owl mittens knitted (added January 31, 2012) 
1 pair Penguin mittens knitted (added January 31, 2012) (completed March 4th)
1 pair birds of paradise mittens knitted(added January 31, 2012)(completed February 16th)
1 pair squirrel mittens knitted (added January 31, 2012) 
1 pair squirrel mittens knitted (added March 21, 2012)
1 patchwork inspired coat (added February 14, 2012)
1 crocheted lion doll (added March 3, 2012)
1 fondant bunny cake bonanza (added March 10, 2012)
1 top hat (added March 13, 2012)
1 broken & stitched crocheted heart (added March 14, 2012) (completed April 4th)
1 pair knitted rainbow armwarmers (added March 14, 2012)
1 pair heart print pants (added April 8, 2012)
1 wookie doll (added April 1o, 2012)
1 pair baby booties (added April 12, 2012)

        7/52 (gets me to the weekend of Feb 18th, I should have 11 done by the end of the weekend!) (9/52 as of April1st) (11/52 as of April 5th)(12/52 as of April 10th) So as you can see I am a little short of my goal of one project a week. I guess I just have to realize that some projects are going to take longer than others. I will just have to accept that and more on. (Take it and go!)  

Monday, March 12, 2012

I am Mitten-less!


        That's it guys! I'm done! Finally I am free of mittens! Yay! Never, Never, Never, Never, Never! And I mean Never! Never will I make mittens for less than 70$ when made with fingerling wool and US 2 (2.75 mm) needles. Don't get me wrong. They are gorgeous and worth the effect but time-consuming as hell! I love them and it is pretty hard letting them go but when someone really appreciates them it makes it easier.

        I have been seriously considering what I want to sell on my etsy site, I think clothing, my own designs and some accessories. Bags, arm warmers/bands, hair bands etc. I think some stuffed animals and/or desk toppers. So now all I have to stock pile. Then sell, sell, sell!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


        Domestic victory is mine!!!!So I finally went to get potting soil and a large pot for my avocado plant today.

        Keith helped me replant both and I have started a new one as well in the magic blue cup. Soon my plantation will be the envy of all avocado growers... are some photos.



Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dexter Marathon

        I am determined to have these mittens finished today ( well tonight) so Keith, my bf and I planned a day of Dexter. All 12 episodes today. We are currently watching the last one. I and completely finished knitting and just need to fasten off to sew the linings. Thus I leave you dear reader with this simple post. Have a wonderful night. And for those of you in North America who do the day light saving thing, the clock go forward tonight. Don't be late in the morning if you have to work.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Purpose of Retirement

        My friend's parents recently retired and are having a hard time adjusting, especially her dad. I don't really understand this. I would retire tomorrow if I could. But I have heard this so many times, retirement happens and that person doesn't know what to do with themselves. I wouldn't have that issue. I have so much I want to do!

        When I told this to my friend she responded, “Well of course you'd have no problem retiring, you have found purpose outside of work." And I realized she's right. I have finally found a purpose, well somewhat of a purpose anyways. My writing, my projects bring some purpose. That was a pretty amazing realization since I have struggled for so long with the concept of purpose. My purpose, namely my purpose in life. I have found some purpose writing this blog.

        If I didn't have to work full-time for some else to make a living, I still wouldn't live an idle life. My days would be filled with creating. So many people identify themselves by what they do. So many say "My work is my life." I guess I am trying to be able to say my life is my work.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How communications moves us.

        I was at a workshop today with my clerical team and it got me thinking. oddly enough not about the workshop I was in, frankly it really didn't seem to have alto of practical applications for me right at this time. Now that's not to say I wouldn't maybe use it in the future but not really applicable in my current position. Anyway I digress. So it got me thinking about communication in general. How we communicate, why we communicate, how we are effective, how we are uneffective. If you can't tell by the amount I write, I talk, I talk a lot, a very lot in fact. To excess some would say and I wonder I may talk a lot but do I actually say anything? Anything of value anyway. I write this blog every night and hope my content is amusing and pleasing, makes you want to come back for more, interesting and entertaining. But I can't be sure. No one has told me to shut up yet. But no one but my friend Susan comments so that may just be a matter of time. But if you are not a writer, how would you communicate what you have to say? We all have something, even if it is just to say I am here. I am me. Do you express yourself through art? Music? Food?
         So I pose this question, am I getting my messages across in my writing? Do you as readers see where I am coming from? Do you care to see my point of view? This would be the perfect time if someone finds me insufferable to write that shut up remark I mentioned before. :P No fooling, I will gladly take the comment.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mittens Mittens Mittens

        Have you ever noticed that the last ten minutes of a commonly travel trip always seems the longest? Like the last ten minutes on a Friday commute last longer than the rest of the whole trip. Well that is how I am feeling with this last mitten. I have completed 36 rows and have 53 rows plus a thumb left. I fear my Friday goal is not going to happen. I now have a Saturday of television lined up to entertain me while I finally finish the last of theses mittens and add linings. Monday I will proudly present them to my client. I am really, really sick of knitting right now. Seriously, seriously sick of knitting. I dream of my next projects, sewing. After these mittens are done I will be well on my way to completing my 52 projects. I can take comfort at that. 

More cute pictures for your review....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Future Posts Hold For You

        I have been thinking long and hard on what to keep writing about in this blog, some projects are taking longer than expected and are not really making for wonderful writing material. I knitted 6 rows on my mittens today and the like are not very entertaining or informative for that matter. So I have decided to do an entire month of how tos, like how to knit a stocking stitch scarf. How to hand darn a sock. How to make a use a sewing machine to do a rolled hem etc. But again I have a problem. I lack how to topics. I have a few but not a month’s worth. So I wonder what topics would you readers like a how to on? Christmas Ornaments? Clothing? Knitting? Cooking? Gardening? No topic is really off limits. If you don't want to share a public suggestion you can always write to me at . If your suggestion is used I will write you back and let you know. Truthfully I will answer back any email I get at this time. I am not getting many. I think these ones could be good, how to make a Christmas stocking? How to travel on a shoestring budget? Honestly any topic will do as long as it is humanly possible. Just let me know what it is you want to read about and I will write it. Think about it, I am giving you the power, command me, pick a topic.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Vintage Gift

        Keith went to visit family this past weekend while I stayed home and tended to domestic things. His mother, grandmother and aunt all knit and crochet. As I previously mentioned, my mother-in-law has helped me with some of the finer points of knitting and continues to do so. When Keith returned home Sunday he presented me with a gift from his aunt. She had amassed quite the collection of patterns, mostly crochet but not exclusively, and had decided to pass them on to me. Apparently she no longer has the time or desire to crochet and knit as she once did. Well all I have to say to that is lucky me.

        They are mostly vintage patterns, surprisingly most are in English, Keith comes from a French-Canadian family and usually everything is in French. I was pleasantly surprise when I could read the majority of them, others Keith will help me with I am sure. He is quite good at translation. Mostly they are stuffed animals and clothes for them but other stuff too. It looks like I will learn much, which is nice. I will post any pictures if I make some this year.

Have a good night.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lazy Sunday

        Domesticity from Hell's hard heart I stab at thee. If you can't tell I didn't get a lot work done on my mittens today and I blame house work. As I previously mentioned we have two new additions in the house which means more boxes to clean, more bowls to wash, more litter to sweep up and more fur to vacuum. Damn their fuzzy hides. They are cute though. Really cute.

        I have one mitten left for my first order than two more for my second order. I wish I had done more but honestly I am so knitted out I couldn't force myself to work today. I want to finish them by the end of this week. That is my goal, well my new goal, March 1st was my first goal but I had a lot of sleepless night this month so I am giving myself a break. But I did get quite a bit done otherwise today. I did groceries, laundry and cleaned up my cat room (a little bathroom where I keep my litter boxes).

        I also made a really nice dinner, shrimp and asparagus in a creamy Alfredo sauce over pasta. Then I took a crusty garlic loaf and buttered both sides and pan fried them to make a warm and buttery garlic bread. I love the weekend. I find since I am more relaxed I get inspired. Inspired in all things, food, sewing, knitting, writing, anything, everything, to try something new. If I finish the mitten by Friday then I can spend all new weekend crafting to my heart's content in any medium.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Short Update Post

        My B.F is going to a tropical place this winter, in 2 weeks to be exact.. We went out today to get new clothes and things for her trip. We walked for hours. I am so tired. It was a beautiful day out in Ottawa. But super windy and wet. But honestly I will take a wet windy day in March over a super cold Icy one. Only issue we had today was on the way home we got soaked by a truck who drove by while we were walking home.

         So I didn't do very much work on the mittens today. I have a lot to finish. But I kind feel like I want to take the night off. I have knitted everyday since I got this job. Plus my eyes hurt. I am pretty exhausted. So I think I will.

      And just for your viewing pleasure Mr. PiBs...... 


Friday, March 2, 2012

I got a new phone

       I am posting this blog from my new cell phone, whichi  is aweome honestly. I am having a good time typing on my new phone. Here is a picture.

        I haven't had a new phone in a very long time. I now have a touch screen and apps! Fancy. I love it. My husbandpicked it. I am very glad he picked a good one. 

       I stayed home sick today, this insomnia is killing me.So it will be a very short post. I have two pairs of mittens completely done. I have the right mitten of my last pair and a start on my last one. Sweet Jesus I can't wait to be done with mittens. 

      (Honestly posting from my phone is cool!)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Naming of Characters

How do you name some one? Something?
It puts me in mind of T.S Eliot's The Naming of Cats.

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
First of all, there's the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey--
All of them sensible everyday names.
There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter--
But all of them sensible everyday names.
But I tell you, a cat needs a name that's particular,
A name that's peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum-
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there's still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;
The name that no human research can discover--
But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.
When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
His ineffable effable
Deep and inscrutable singular Name.

        I am writing a novel and having the worst time naming my main character, the best name I can think of is my own. I love my name always have. I am not one of those people who talk in the third person or have my name all over the place with face plates, pens and the like, but still I love my name. I feel for those who despise their moniker, since I have known many. No I am quite content to be Jessica although I wouldn't mind adding Star somewhere amongst my current names. But never the less I am quick content indeed. I guess because it's so very me, I mean I look like a Jessica after all, and since my character is so like me, write what you know right?, it is hard to call her by any other name. I have been throwing around names with my best friend. I am looking for a substantial name, one that can stand the test of time, be strong yet vulnerable and sympathetic. One you can relate to. And sound right. Like Peter Parker, Elizabeth Bennett, Izzy Stevens, Jack Ryan, Sherlock 

Here is another picture of Mr. PiBs Amadeus Cattington!