Just looking for a little purpose in life. I am an aspiring writer who is trying to create a life that challenges me. A life where I wake up every day excited I am alive and ready to start the day, unlike now. chubbystar.blog@gmail.com
Sunday, May 26, 2013
My craft stuff in boxes....
Means I did nothing this week. And will do nothing until I get to the new house, but it is not like we have any room. Sorry guys, I just have so much to do between working, packing and driving lessons I am run off my feet and there are boxes everywhere, my move is only a few weeks away but I can't possibly create. I still have a sweater i am working on but I am still about 9 inches away from finishing it and I seriously doubt I will even have that done for next week. I promise I am not letting my blog die, it is just not a great time. I swear.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Meet Charlie
This blog is interrupted to introduce Charlie, the leopard tortoise.
He is a present for my mom but took up all my weekend setting up his habitat and everything. He is super cute and will like for about 80 years, so I am getting him in the will :P
Charlie in his "natural" habitat.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Squirrel - three sizes fit all.
Everything is cuter when it is little.
If you have been reading my blog you will know I made a cute little squirrel for my old boss. She really has a thing for squirrels. I found it super cute so I decided to make a smaller one. Then I decided to make an even smaller squirrel, because everything is cuter when it is little. Using two brown strands, one white strand of fingerling weight and four dpns I made three cuties.
If you have been reading my blog you will know I made a cute little squirrel for my old boss. She really has a thing for squirrels. I found it super cute so I decided to make a smaller one. Then I decided to make an even smaller squirrel, because everything is cuter when it is little. Using two brown strands, one white strand of fingerling weight and four dpns I made three cuties.
For His Royal Fuzziness I used a set of US# 6 (4mm) dpns.
And for the littlest guy US#2 (0mm) dpns.
Since I already gave HRF to my boss I don't have any comparison pictures of all three but I do have a side by side of little and littlest.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Future Project
I have been very busy recently so I did not complete any project this week. I have been working on a few so you will have a beautifully picture filled post next Sunday. But this week you will get a preview.
On Saturday, I discovered a new textile place right down from my favourite sushi restaurant. They not only sell amazing upholstery fabric but they also teach classes on how to reupholster furniture yourself. You bring your own piece of furniture and they help make it amazing. It is one evening a week for 10 weeks and I really want to take it but do not have the time right now. I have taken one before but I would like to brush up on these skills. Here is a picture of the piece I would refinish.
Here is what I want it to look after, colour and buttons and all.
On Saturday, I discovered a new textile place right down from my favourite sushi restaurant. They not only sell amazing upholstery fabric but they also teach classes on how to reupholster furniture yourself. You bring your own piece of furniture and they help make it amazing. It is one evening a week for 10 weeks and I really want to take it but do not have the time right now. I have taken one before but I would like to brush up on these skills. Here is a picture of the piece I would refinish.
Here is what I want it to look after, colour and buttons and all.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Quality Over All Else
I'm back and have an announcement. After much reflection I have
come to a difficult decision. My Blog is going to change. I know I have
thrown around the idea of a change of format before, and never really
stuck to it but this is a bit different. I have decided to post less.
Significantly less. Like 7 times less. Instead of a daily blog I have
decided to go weekly. Every Sunday afternoon. I have decided to make
this change mostly because of personal reasons. I am buying a house,
moving, trying to get healthy and taking driving lessons. I have a lot
on my plate. I love writing but often I feel as if I am simply rambling
for the sake of posting. I am not sure anyone really reads this or
would actually enjoy the post for post's sake I am producing. Also since
I am moving out of the city I am going to be losing part of my evening
to my new commute. Less time in the evening means less time to create
and unfortunately compromises need to be made. So I will cut back, take
time to think about what I want to write about and make it interesting
(fingers crossed). Have more pictures and hopefully more projects to
share. My ultimate goal would be to post the entire process of a project
from conception to completion in one post, focus more on what and how I
am doing something. Complete with tips and tricks and the resources, if
any, I used.
I have to admit it has been nice not having to post something for
the last few days. Now I am not going to just drop off the end of the
Earth, I promise. If I ever decide to quit writing you will all know.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Communication Blackout
I am going to a funeral this weekend out of town and will not be posting again until Sunday. I hope you all have a great weekend. And here is a cute penguin picture to tide you over. 
Rears Its Ugly Head.
I fell asleep last night sans post. I have been so sick. There is this killer cold going around, it hangs on for weeks. I am at the end of my second week. I feel like this little guy. Hopefully I will recover soon.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
My Favourite Fabrics to work with.
Although I enjoy wearing stretchy synthetic material it can be a nightmare to work with, unless you have the proper equipment. A good walking foot and stretchy thread is a must, plus a machine with a good stretch stitch, or serger. Now that being said I actually love working with materials with no stretch at all, cotton, linen and canvas even. They are so nice to tailor, they line right up neat as you please. I only mention this because the cherry red material is a linen. It frays a little quicker than I'd like because it is a looser weave but the cutting is glorious.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Still ill and now it is a family affair
Now I am not the only one who is suffering. Keith has come down with the sickness too. I stayed home to care for him today. It went a little like this. Seriously. But with fewer glaciers.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I am sick.
No post tonight guy. I am so sick I have had a fever and runny nose for days. I am so tired. Here is a picture of a sick penguin.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Downloadable Everything
I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about downloadable patterns, well patterns in general. Many sewing websites now offer the ability to instantly download patterns instead of having to go the fabric store, which can be a dangerous place for a sewing junkie like me. The only thing I don't like is having to tape all the papers together. But the convenience of not having to go out on cold Canadian winter days outweighs any disadvantage. Now I may have mentioned this before but a pattern is pretty much unless unless you have some great tracing paper. Lying out the pattern and tracing the size you need allows the pattern to be reused over and over again without destroying the original pattern. I buy my trace paper by the roll at the local art store.
Friday, April 19, 2013
I made my decision.
This is the jacket I decided on. Cherry Red with a harlequin lining.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Another project rears its head
Previously I mentioned that I wanted to make a jacket out of this beautiful cherry red linen I bought at Fabricland. I was going to wait until I slim downed a bit but I have a very important function coming up in just over a week and nothing to wear. I have skirts and shirts, tights and shoes, no jackets. I don't really have time to design something but I am not sure what pattern to use. I am looking at the Burda Style site and it has some pretty nice downloadable patterns. I guess now all I have to do is just decide which one.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
To bamboo or not bamboo
I started knitting a squirrel with 0 gauge dpns made of bamboo. I love using bamboo dpns for all of different kinds of knitting in the round projects. I can't stand metal dpns, the noise they make when they touch grates on my nerves. I like their smooth finish and flexibility, the only problem is that the thinner they are the weaker they are. I have actually broken two of the five I have, I am going to have to go buy some new ones. But should I buy more bamboo ones? Or choose from wood, like symfonie, or or plastic, like pony pearl, or ceramic (I have only heard about these ones). I have to make a decision soon because I want to finish the squirrel as soon as possible. What do you guys think?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Completed penguin!
I finished the Penny the Penguin doll. He is super cute, I am calling him Mr.Pengi. Here he is!
Now Incognito!
Monday, April 15, 2013
sick ie bear
I am still really run down, so here is another painting to get you inspired. Van Gogh's
Branches with Almond Blossom
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Sleep required
Sorry no post yesterday for those use to a daily dose of Chubbiness but I was verrry run down yesterday. I literally fell asleep at 9 and only got up at 8 this morning. I am still really tired, I guess I need a long rest. But just to keep your creative juices flowing here is my favourite Van Gogh, not as famous as Starry Night, but Starry Night Over the Rhone has a charm all its own.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Have I mentioned that snow in April is Bullshit?
I am kinda on strike tonight because my fingers are frozen, okay not really but anyways I thought it would be a good lead into introduce the mittens I an going to make for myself. The are from the Good Egg and can be found on Ravelry. Have fun.
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