I'm back and have an announcement. After much reflection I have
come to a difficult decision. My Blog is going to change. I know I have
thrown around the idea of a change of format before, and never really
stuck to it but this is a bit different. I have decided to post less.
Significantly less. Like 7 times less. Instead of a daily blog I have
decided to go weekly. Every Sunday afternoon. I have decided to make
this change mostly because of personal reasons. I am buying a house,
moving, trying to get healthy and taking driving lessons. I have a lot
on my plate. I love writing but often I feel as if I am simply rambling
for the sake of posting. I am not sure anyone really reads this or
would actually enjoy the post for post's sake I am producing. Also since
I am moving out of the city I am going to be losing part of my evening
to my new commute. Less time in the evening means less time to create
and unfortunately compromises need to be made. So I will cut back, take
time to think about what I want to write about and make it interesting
(fingers crossed). Have more pictures and hopefully more projects to
share. My ultimate goal would be to post the entire process of a project
from conception to completion in one post, focus more on what and how I
am doing something. Complete with tips and tricks and the resources, if
any, I used.
I have to admit it has been nice not having to post something for
the last few days. Now I am not going to just drop off the end of the
Earth, I promise. If I ever decide to quit writing you will all know.