Saturday, February 4, 2012

Biting off more than I can chew?

I thought that this would be a very appropriate posting for today. I have been trying for days to get work done on the mittens that I have been commissioned to make, but things seem to keep coming up and distracting me. I have had several set backs. Finding the right yarn colours, finding the right sized DPNs (double pointed needles) and making yarn balls. I bought this beautiful skein of white wool. But it wasn't made into a ball. So I decided to make one without a yarn swift or winder, as you can imagine it became horribly tangled. After 12 hours of pulling and rolling and yanking and swearing I have a very spherical, very tightly woven ball. And a wasted day. Feeling slightly discouraged and possibly like I make not make my goal, it got me to thinking. 
Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Right now my goal seems completely doable, what a horrible word, doable. (Always makes me think of guys at a bar sizing up the quote, unquote “talent” .) Anyways my goal seems completely possible. I have a number of topics running around in my head that can fill these pages, but what if I run out? I mean do you really want to read entries like, knit four rows today, hope to do better tomorrow? Honestly, I wouldn’t read that blog. It’s about the struggle right? The triumphs? The failures even? And I do plan to fail a lot, watch for it.(I have already posted a failure or two right?) I think this is self-doubt rearing its ugly head, I knew it would. Self-doubt, that scared little voice inside of me, has kept me from pursuing my dreams, until now. I can’t let it win, Kermit wouldn’t. I will just have to think positive about try my best

1 comment:

  1. I can understand how you are feeling. I finally finished my large, 30 rattle toy order, and the store has requested that I add another 6 toys to the order. Plus I have a few other orders at the moment as well.

    While it is very flattering that people love your work, it may feel overwhelming, it is a great situation to improve your skills and challenge yourself. At least, that's what I keep telling myself :D

    As for blogging, a picture and a paragraph is all that is needed. I love seeing works in progress. Or you can link to a website you find inspiring. Or talk about your yarn stash.
