Sunday, April 1, 2012

Operation Insomnia – 19 hours

        Day 2- You have no idea how much you can get done when you only sleep 5 hours a night. I went grocery shopping, went for a walk., watched a few movies. I wrote my post super early. It's 10 o'clock and I have been up for hours. And so far it really hasn't been that bad. Seriously. I am shocked.
        I have been crocheting like a machine and I am also finished Keith's scarf. It's turning out quite well actually. I am using the basket weave stitch that I found on Mikeysmail's channel on you tube. It can be found here at MikeysSmails You Tube Channel . It is a nice thick stitch perfect for scarves or pillows as you will see on Smails channel. It builds very quick because you are using a double crochet but since you are overlapping stitches there is very little gaping. I should have that finished today. I am not sure what project I will work on next, but I have plenty of time to think on that today. (15 hours 30 minutes)

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