Sunday, July 1, 2012


        Biting off more than I can chew. Seriously, organizing my house is a lot more daunting than I thought. I had 5 boxes in my room that I have not unpacked since my last move, which was 5 years ago. They have just been sitting in my closet collecting dust. So I thought, “Well if I am going to organize the rest of the house I might as well start with my room.” Well that was stupid. It took me 8 F*cking hours to sort that shit. And I only had 3 boxes of papers. 3 piles, keep, trash and shred. Then I broke the shredder. Well I overheated it. But I thought I broke and spend an hour trying to fix it before I was told about how it overheats. Anyway, I am almost done and I will move onto the next room.
        But on a crafty note, I found a shit load of stuff I thought I had lost. Like water-colour paints , drawing pads, pencil crayons, handmade papers and fabrics. I may have some new projects come to mind when I look through my new found supplies.
Well that's about it. So here is a picture of a penguin for your viewing pleasure.

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