Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 133 - More Fabrics and Ideas!!!

         I have an Edgar Allen Poe bodice on my project list, but I never showed you the fabric. Well here it is!!

       I love this fabric, I wish I had bought more.  As I mentioned before I don't really do the pattern thing, so here is the sketch of what I sort of want it to look like. But often what I envision does not translate well. My vision usually evolves as I go. 

        I hope you can see my sketch. I want to make a lopsided or asymmetrical bodice with an invisible zipper closure with some button detailing. Either spiders or bird buttons. Preferably ravens if I can find them. If you see any in the coming months let me know. Hallowe'en is just around the corner. I would like metal or wood is possible.

        Fabric two. This piece is called Gunmetal Sky! The picture doesn't do it justice as the fabric does in fact have the appearance of clouds. They are slightly shimmery and several different shades of grey, no reference intended. I know what most of you were thinking, you dirty birds! I plan on making these into pants. Maybe skinny style or bellbottoms, I am not sure yet. But either way, very Freddy Mercury if you ask me but I am sure I will feel like a real rockstar in these babies.

        The one on the left is closer to the actual colour, the right picture shows more of the sky aspect on the fabric. I have a horrible camera. I should buy a new one but do not have the money for it! Blah. I will save up so eventually you will get great pictures. But not right now. ;)

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