October 12th, 2012
Last night I started writing about Halloween specials that I
really liked. I turn a few movies but I didn't really focus on them. I
mentioned two movies both Tim Burton works. There's a third Tim Burton
movie I really enjoy so I decided to have a weekend of Tim Burton. 3
movies on the docket are Corpse Bride, Sleepy Hollow, and Nightmare
Before Christmas. Without further ado, the Corpse Bride.
Now I have already written about this topic, so let's see what I already wrote.
Bride was a real mind bender for me. The idea that society being so
restrictive causes life to only start after death was very profound to me.
You can see it in the lack of colour in the living world. It is also
very apparent in the songs. They are much more lively and vibrant in the
world of the dead. It also give a sense of class division, we see very
little of poor class in the living world except as servants. They have
no class division in the world of the dead and no one seems to mind.
Although most of them seem to be servants, except the general, maybe it
is saying they worked themselves to death and now get to live it up. So
make the most of your life while you can.
And time for some new thoughts. Set design I mentioned
previously about the colour or lack of colour, in this the sets are also
very telling. You have a bar in the underworld. But we only have
churches and proper estates are present in the living world. 2
completely different sets of circumstance, 2 completely different
atmospheres. Again showing a divide between those living with enjoyment
and those dead from all feeling. Funny that it seems only the corpses
are the ones able to express themselves.
Another stop motion classic, I enjoyed the use of the
medium. So much is able to be done with the characters. Like a man split
in half or a nose falling into the cake batter. Scraps the dog is
just 1 example of how stop-motion can bring to life even a skeleton dog. I
mean is there anything scrap can't do? Final thoughts the costume
design and colour choice are very Gothic in some ways. The dark tones,
the shadows and the vibrant colour contrast, pretty perfect. The land of
the dead sort of feels like what do we get if you walked in Tim Burton's
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