Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 39 - More nesting dolls

        I stopped by the Deserres art store today and picked up another set of nesting dolls. I was a major perfectionist when it came to the last ones but I found I really enjoyed the challenge. So I decided to do another set.. This one is a slightly different shape. Chubbier. I realized this is a perfect opportunity to start my new format. So here it is.

Project – Russian Nesting Dolls

         The project we will be discussing today is Russian Nesting Dolls. I found a set of five dolls at the local Deserres. They are make of pine wood, the largest is 6.25 inches, descending (4.5inches, 3.38inches, 2.5inches) down to 1.5inches. The cost 24.95 $ plus taxes. 

        I will be using Liquitex acrylic paint (primary yellow, blue and red, light blue violet, titanium white and ivory black.) I am using Artist's loft brushes, natural fibers. I am going to do another Penguin set, mostly because I think penguins are just about the cutest animals ever. Especially chubby penguins. I am not sure if I going to make them grey faced or white. Although to be honest there are not white-faced penguins in real life, or should I say all white-faced penguins. I am starting a collection so that is what I am going to do with them. I am hoping they will end up being cuter than the last set. 


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