Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 35 - Friday Night!!!!

        I am so God-damn happy it is the weekend. I have had a long week of appointments and running errands and long bus rides. And I am so ecstatic that the only thing I need to do tomorrow is wake up, feed myself and go to the bathroom. Rest, relaxation, maybe some ice cream. That is what I need. I hope to finish some projects or maybe not. I am not going to push myself. The last few weeks have been pretty rough, so much so I have pretty much fallen off the planet. My life has been pretty upside-down for the past month and will be going back to normal or semi-normal in a week or two, thank GOD!!! Well except for my appointments, they are still going to happening but less frequent .
        I have that “Everybody is working for the weekend!” song in my head. It always makes me think of those Knorr commercials with the little egg timer partying it up. I love when he is surfing the net and his eyes get huge, like he is looking at something dirty. Here is a cute little picture I found of him. 


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