Sunday, May 26, 2013

My craft stuff in boxes....

        Means I did nothing this week. And will do nothing until I get to the new house, but it is not like we have any room.  Sorry guys, I just have so much to do between working, packing and driving lessons I am run off my feet and there are boxes everywhere, my move is only a few weeks away but I can't possibly create. I still have a sweater i am working on but I am still about 9 inches away from finishing it and I seriously doubt I will even have that done for next week. I promise I am not letting my blog die, it is just not a great time. I swear. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Meet Charlie

This blog is interrupted to introduce Charlie, the leopard tortoise. 

He is a present for my mom but took up all my weekend setting up his habitat and everything. He is super cute and will like for about 80 years, so I am getting him in the will :P
Charlie in his "natural" habitat. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Squirrel - three sizes fit all.

Everything is cuter when it is little.

        If you have been reading my blog you will know I made a cute little squirrel for my old boss. She really has a thing for squirrels. I found it super cute so I decided to make a smaller one. Then I decided to make an even smaller squirrel, because everything is cuter when it is little.  Using two brown strands, one white strand of fingerling weight and four dpns I made three cuties.

For His Royal Fuzziness I used a set of US# 6 (4mm) dpns.

For middle Squirrel I used US#4 (3.5mm) dpns.

And for the littlest guy US#2 (0mm) dpns.

Since I already gave HRF to my boss I don't have any comparison pictures of all three but I do have a side by side of little and littlest.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Future Project

        I have been very busy recently so I did not complete any project this week. I have been working on a few so you will have a beautifully picture filled post next Sunday. But this week you will get a preview. 

        On Saturday, I discovered a new textile place right down from my favourite sushi restaurant. They not only sell amazing upholstery fabric but they also teach classes on how to reupholster furniture yourself. You bring your own piece of furniture and they help make it amazing.  It is one evening a week for 10 weeks and I really want to take it but do not have the time right now.  I have taken one before but I would like to brush up on these skills.  Here is a picture of the piece I would refinish. 

Here is what I want it to look after, colour and buttons and all.