Monday, January 30, 2012


        I have decided to start selling my stuff on Etsy again. It didn’t go very well last time as I didn’t have the time to commit to it, but now I do and this time I am going to be smart. I have a plan. Well a rough plan.  I am going to pick two or three items. Make several but not too many. Like 5 or so of each. Then start posting two a day until I run out. That way I will be at the forefront of the search pages for a while. And I will keep doing this. Make a stock pile, list a few at a time, all the while making more, possibly different items. Hopefully this will generate some interest in my store and in my blog. I have also noticed that some store have news headers... ?, Feeds...?  That keep you updated. I will likely start that so that I can keep people up to date on what is coming out and when. But who knows.
        I have several Items I have to choose from and have come up with a small list. Which since I have so few fans I feel I can list. A penguin doll I have designed will go up. With a punk coat, yeah they are really not in the same realm at all eh? And a bunny doll. Easter is coming.  Hearts, punk hearts, if I can make them in time but I think I have missed the Valentine’s Day market to be quite honest. My future goals will be to have a stock pile at minimum 6 weeks before the holiday, longer for Christmas and Hallowe’en, the two awesomist holidays of them all. Two months. This means I have to start planning now what I will be making for the whole next year! Pretty daunting eh? (Please note I like saying eh? Remember I am Canadian). So I have to start thinking next Christmas, New Years, Easter, Hallowe’en, summer, fall, spring, winter themes, back -to –school, Thanksgiving, Mother’s/Father’s day, Canada day, May 24 (pronounced  May two –four for all non-Canadians) Ground hog’s day etc.... Let me know if missed any holiday you enjoy.

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