Friday, January 27, 2012

A Tale of Two Zoidbergs

          I have been working on the blue, alternate Zoidberg, for the past few days. While making him I decided to try a new technique. One where I would sew less. When making the limbs it totally worked. Perfectly. But when I was crocheting the body, even though I used the same amount of stitches and increases/decreases at the same rate it doesn't look right. I am not sure if it is because of adding the limbs or because I reversed the order. The pattern with sewing starts at the bottom, where I started at the top. That could be why there is a difference. I really don't know at this time. Since this is such a new technique to me, it may take me a while to figure out where I went wrong. Here is a picture comparing the two.



Kinda looks like they were arrested eh?


        Now we do have to take into account that the doll is not completely done yet but at the same time, you can clearly see that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. (Woo hoo my first failure. I told you it would happen.) Pink Zoidberg, Rouge, is more rotund, he has a beautifully rounded belly. The slope of the blue Zoidberg's backside is not as curved, as full. It is just not as appealing, as cute as the Rouge one. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this? I would love all the help that you guys want to provide.

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