Sunday, January 29, 2012

What am I doing with all the projects?

I was recently asked by a friend what I am doing with all the projects I finish. The answer is simple; I’m not 100 % sure, yet. Some are gifts, the sweater coat, the Gir doll, the crocheted star pillows, obviously the 3 pairs of dress socks. Some are for personal use, the clothing and mittens. The red socks I am wearing right now. But others are just for the fun of it, and may end up in a closet somewhere. If you have a better suggestion for them let me know. I appreciate any feedback, good or bad. 
I might try selling them. I have an Etsy shop but I am not fixed on anything just yet. Some I will not be able to sell because I am using a few patterns I bought. And you cannot sell other people's work. I will however make several items I design myself, and those if popular will go up for sale. I am working on a penguin dolls and a mittens pattern that should be super cute. I may even set up a poll to see what are the most popular items I have made so far. 
Side note: I realized that when I posted pictures of the completed Gir doll that I never posted a picture of what he is suppose to look like. So here it is.
And here is Invader Zim dressed as a bear just because. Just because he's so cute!

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