Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 117 - Help from the Wisdom Of the Ages!

        I know I have been talking a lot about resources, videos, books, online classes etc. But until now I have neglected to mention personal resources. My mother taught me to sew when I was 4 years old.  Hand sewing then machine sewing when I was about 7 years old. She also taught me to knit around that time, basic stitches, knit and pearl, nothing more. I learned to crochet from my sister-in-law about 2 years ago. Basic crocheting, a granny square. I used the books and websites I mentioned before to increase that skill.The last winter I wanted to learn to knit mittens and fair isle at that. My mother-in-law is a master knitter. She has taught me several techniques and how to read patterns. This had lead me to not only be able to knit mittens but also socks. Don't discount resource all around you, tips and tricks passed down through the years.

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