Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 38 – A change in structure.

        First of all let me say that Yay! Our internet is back up and running. We have a technician coming Wednesday to figure out our connection issues. I don't really think it will improve the situation , we have had technicians out several times before but you will never know until you try right.
         Now on to the topic today, a change in structure. Or should I say, it's time for structure. Right now I am simply writing whatever I can think of that night. I have gone off on so many tangents and rambled on I am sure. I would like to find a structure, a format that I can follow to help fulfil my goals. I think each of the 52 projects should have a dedicated post, listing the materials used, resources, patterns etc. Possibly what or who it is intended for, a gift or to be sold on my etsy shop etc. I have several I have already touched on, Zoidbergs, the nesting dolls, the sweater coat, Gir etc. In the post I hope to express what I want, what I expect from each project. How I hope to go about making them and than maybe how they come out. I want to focus more on the projects. I still want to do a month of how -to's but those will all be craft/art oriented. I don't know if I will be able to forgo all the random rambling that goes through my head but I am going to try to keep it more to a minimum. Let's see how long that last right :P

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