Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 11- And back on track.

        I was looking over past posts and updating the project listed online when I noticed I did really completed a lot on my vacation. I think 3 project over 11 days, not bad. I also started a pair of pants, a rub-off (a way of copying the pattern without taking the garment apart) of my favourite pair, that is not even on the list yet. Also, as you may know from yesterday's post, that I have a Star Wars fan who wants more characters. Well I started a second, (chubbier) grey Ewok, he just need a hood and the face detailing done. Which I should be able to complete tonight. By my count that will make 12 completed projects. 13 when the jeans are complete. I should have 15 done by the end of this weekend to be up-to-date but even with that I would have to say I am back on track. In a big way. If I keep this up I should be up to my goal of 1 project a week in 2-3 weeks from now at most. That would make me extremely happy.
        I haven't worked on my knitting in a while. I decided to just give it a rest while I was on vacation but I will be getting back into it this week. I have several long bus rides planned this week and if you know me, you know I don't want to waste precious time. I am over 60% done the latest owl mitten and home to have it done this week. Another work in progress towards my goal. Woo hoo!
        In other news I have written 100 blog post now and I am just shy of 500 views over the last 3 months. Not too shabby. 
(I wrote this before dinner and now after dinner I finished the grey ewok, here are some pictures.)

So the Ewoks have multiplied, 

And because multiplied, they hatched a plan to take down an old nemesis.


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