Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 5 - Always looks in the box!

        Spoiler! This has nothing to do with my projects. I need to renew my passport. So I was looking for my old one today so I can feel out the paperwork. So I searched. For two hours. Seriously. I had looked for it previously to no avail, but really just in passing before. This time, I looked every where, every bag, every box of papers, all over my house. But you know where I didn't look? In the file, the file with my name on it, in my special file cabinet. And that's when I remembered that I completed an extremely thorough job application a few months. It required copies of all official records on me. So when I did that I complied this special file with all my documents, passport , birth certificate, marriage certificate etc.... But do you think I actually remembered I did that? Heck no. Finally I had no where else to look and there it was. (Always in the last place you look, I have always hated that saying, of course it is in the last place you look because after you found it why would you keep looking? Makes no sense.)God was I pissed. I can't believe I could be so scatter brained. I blame my lack of sleep. I think I need maybe 6 hours, :P . Honestly I was super tired today. I almost fell asleep on the couch at 9am this morning. So very tired that I didn't take pictures today. Sorry. I will try very hard to get some done this weekend.

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