Tuesday, March 27, 2012


        I need to start taking my etsy shop more seriously. It is a part time job after all. If I was working for someone and acted the way I do now, slacking off, watching t.v, starting a task and never finishing it, I would have fired me by now. Seriously. I am a harsh boss. No hot chocolate Friday for you. (That's right. Like a boss!) So the only thing I can think of is to set more miniature goals for myself. I have had much success with the blog goal and that is encouraging. I an not quite sure how I am going to go about this, basically what is realistic right? But I will follow-up when I have figured it out. I want to actually put some time into my patchwork dress. It is looking really good but I keep putting it off. Mostly because I feel like I have devoted so much time to me and my creations recently and I think I am starting to feel guilty. Like I am neglecting other parts of my life, like the domestic part. Maybe I feel like I am not doing enough at home. When logically I know I am doing everything I need to be doing. I am trying to fight this. This is the old, giving to everyone else Jessica talking, not the new putting herself first Jessica. I guess this is part of my personal struggle. But as I previously mentioned I have a week off and I am going to try to keep it focused on me and everything I want to accomplish, project-wise anyways.

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