Sunday, February 19, 2012


What is it about mortality that is so inspiring? It's like realizing and being reminded that you are mortal and will die make it so we want to strive harder. To make a difference, to leave our mark, to be a force. Our time on this earth is so very short and it seems when we are confronted with that fact we rail against it. Maybe we can be the exception. I'm no different. Losing people who inspire me or who I respect as artists affect me as much as the next person. I feel the loss of their talent, spirit and their gifts. Because there have been many. Yes, we have recording, video and vocal of their bodies of work, but the live experience is lost. And now their work is finite where it was potentially infinite before. I think that is the saddest thing, that when we are alive the possibilities are endless but when someone dies those possibilities die with them. Recently, I have been having trouble figuring out what to write about. Topics, so easily found in the beginning are now eluding me. And I am only 47 posts in. But I have been thinking a lot about inspiration and how it is born. So here is a question poses to you. What inspires you? Who inspires you? Why? And what does this inspiration lead to? What do you do with it? How does it better you as an artist? As a person? Better your life? So this week I am dedicating this week to inspiration. What inspires me. My inspiration.

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