Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mittens Update!

        So I have been working on Mittens for about 12 days. And I will tell you trying new patterns is really hit and miss. I am way behind. I should have two completed and working on a third by this time but alas no. I have one and a quarter. That is all. This sucks. I was sick this week and today i spent with Keith for Valentine's Day. Well I still have tomorrow and hopefully I can get moving forward on this project. 

        So basically my post will be shorter in the next few weeks. So here are more teddy bears. 



1 comment:

  1. When I get frustrated on new projects, I keep telling myself that I'm improving my skills. Also, I can just imagine that your awesome, intarsia mittens would take time. You are using such fine yarn and your patterns are beautiful.

    Custom orders for me always take longer than I expect. Today I am working on a custom cat. I've had the order hanging around since September, but I just wasn't mentally able to start it until yesterday.

    Good Luck!
